Coming up on Wednesday 18th November is LGBT+ STEM Day, organised annually by the amazing Pride in STEM society.

Its important to promote STEM subjects and careers as being inclusive, and even more important for employers, teachers, and other professional bodies to support inclusivity and diversity.

The Royal Society of Chemistry recently released their newest LGBT+ Toolkit, freely available for all to read and use. This kit provides the tools for everyone to take part in positive change: employers, colleagues, and LGBT+ individuals.

The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.

From tool-kits, to posters and stickers - find the resources you need for guidance and support in making a real difference towards LGBT+ inclusivity in science by visiting the LGBT+ tool-kit page.

The Global Science Show, 2020.

To celebrate LGBT+ STEM Day, and to promote inclusivity and diversity in STEM, this month’s Global Science Show consisted of all LGBT+ presenters! Missed it? Don’t worry, you can catch up on all the amazing presentations on their website, along with any other shows you may have missed, by heading over to their website. This LGBT+ session is supported by Pride in STEM and The STEM Village.

As always, check on the STEM Response Team Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more information about LGBT+ STEM Day on the 18th Nov.

By Phoebe Hinton-Sheley



STEM Response WLV

The STEM Response Team at the University of Wolverhampton